As you may or may not know at the start of September I went on a lovely holiday to Portugal for a week. I feel like I'm at the stage where I am passed trying to "tan" because to be honest, it's not going to happen, I go from White to red to white again. Instead I focus on 1. Ensuring my skin has the best protection possible. 2. Use products that don't irritate my sensitive skin. 3. Do after sun care to keep my skin hydrated. I think I have finally "nailed" this routine and found the products that work for me, and of course I wanted to share them with you along with the tips that keep my skin safe!
I'm the type of person who HATES sitting and doing nothing (sitting watching Netflix & eating snacks doesn't count as nothing by the way - that's my FAVE ha ha), What I mean is I hate sitting still doing nothing.. for example waiting in a dentist reception, sitting on public transport or even getting my hair done! (I know so many people love going to the hairdressers but I just hate sitting there thinking of all things I could be doing!!) Maybe I need to take a chill pill ha ha, but either way my least favourite is FLYING. I simply can't sit still. Here are my favourite things to do to make time go that lil' bit quicker on a flight!
I have been pretty excited to write this post, I can't lie! I guess you could say it's my 2 favourite things combined Holidays + Make Up/Beauty! <3 My holiday make up and cosmetics bag is a lil' different to my average rainy England bag. I tend to go for a bit more bolder colours (when I say bold I mean a pink rather than my every single day choice of NUDE!!!) I also like to have scent that reminds me of sunshine, and make up that looks glowy and light - who doesn't! I am away again for a week in September, so yano, a girl gotta start preparing! Here are the things I plan to pop in my cosmetics bag!
Why hello there! Happy Monday - How are you? Possibly not the best choice of post for a Monday, yano holiday blues an all that don't make the start of the week much easier, so apologies for that. But I've been wanting to get this post up for a while now, but due to numerous reasons *main one being Virgin STILL HAVEN'T SORTED MY WIFI and it's starting to drive me a little cray cray* it has taken me a lot longer than expected - but finally this weekend I've had the chance to sit down, upload my Oliday' photos - have a little laugh at the ones of me being taken out by the sea (I don't think they've made the cut - I already embarrass myself enough on the internet, I don't want to add fuel to the fire) - and have a little cry about how much I miss cocktails at 10am and eating 8 meals a day. Boo Hoo. But anywayyyyyy - this post shall be mostly pictures, because well they kinda' speak for themselves, but I might add the odd caption to some pics, just incase you're thinking oooh what cocktail is that icey-glass of deliciousness and where can I get one. Enjoy my love bugs!
Happy Friday guys! It's actually a VERY happy Friday for me because hurraahhh I go on my holidays on Sunday! I am off to Portugal for a whole 10 days and I can't BLOODY wait! Because I am simply SO excited and can't really think about anything else, I figured I'd do a lil' "10 things I plan to do on my holidays" post! I hope you like it! xo
Why hello there! Long time no see! I won't keep apologising on each of my intermittent posts otherwise you'll probably get sick of me saying it and never come back! But like I said in my previous post, you'll all understand soon why I have been so MIA and I will have lots of new content coming over the summer! And speaking of summer, today's post is all about keeping SUN SAFE! Something I deem very important, and so should you! I tried out some Palmer's sun care and also some items to help along your holiday skin!
When I say Postcards, what I actually mean are some "okay" iPhone snaps, because I didn't plan on documenting this trip so I didn't take my camera with me. We only stayed 2 nights and I just wanted to chill out with out having to worry that I didn't capture "that shot" - plus I didn't ablog post on the Me Mallorca Hotel last year so I didn't think there would be much more to show you! But alas -I got snap happy... I always do! So I thought since things have been a lil' quiet over here recently (sorry about that - you'll understand why soon!) I would share with you some pictures I took from my phone through-out the small amount of time we were there.
Following yesterdays post about my amazing stay at the Leman Locke Hotel London (you must check it out if you haven't already! I thought I'd share another little snippet of my weekend! Walking around London all day is thirsty work, so what could be better than a pit-stop at a pretty in pink cake shop for some coffee and a cupcake? Well I have found the perfect spot for you to rest your achy legs and fill yourself up with some spongey goodness. Want to see more? Of course you do!
Oh Hey! This post is going to be one where the photographs do the talking, I'm sure you will see why in a second! I'm sharing with you my recent stay at the Leman Locke Hotel in London, a stay that was bloody fantastic to put it bluntly, They have thought of every little finishing touch and everything is so well designed to enable you to have the perfect stay. Come inside won't ya and have a nosy around my new pad! (I wish!)
I always have, and probably always will, love going abroad. There is something so unique about experiencing a different culture, different climates (usually sunny if I'm picking) and creating the most amazing memories. However I have recently been thinking how much I do actually enjoy UK breaks, maybe not 2 week long ones, but the odd long weekend break here and there really satisfies the wanderlust that is forever inside of me. There is a lot to discover in the UK, and most of that I am yet to visit and are on my to-do list, but for now I thought I'd put together my current Top 3 UK city breaks, and where I would recommended for you to stay, eat and drink!
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March 2018