Hey lovelys! If it feels like it was only a few posts ago that I was doing "Things that made me happy in May" that's because it was! Content has been a little slow on here recently, mainly because of my holiday, but for other reasons to! I hope you enjoy this post as much as I love writing them <3 Here are 10 things that made me happy in June.
Happy Friday guys! It's actually a VERY happy Friday for me because hurraahhh I go on my holidays on Sunday! I am off to Portugal for a whole 10 days and I can't BLOODY wait! Because I am simply SO excited and can't really think about anything else, I figured I'd do a lil' "10 things I plan to do on my holidays" post! I hope you like it! xo
Hello, hello, hello, well today you are in for a treat because I have the 2 of the prettiest palettes you will ever lay your eyes on to share with you! I have been using them religiously for the past month now, and I noticed today that they're currently on offer on Beauty Bay so I thought it was about time I shared them with you, so that you can snap them up to!! Come and see what you think! xo
Now we are officially into June it's time to start planning for Father's day! I love getting my Dad something thoughtful and special, as I know how much he appreciates it. Plus I just loving buying people presents - I love to see their face when they open them! I have pulled together 21 present ideas for the "cool Dad". All Dads are cool, right?! I hope you find some ideas! xo
Hello my dears! As you may know from some of my previous organisation tips posts, I love writing lists! I particularly love sitting at the start of the month and writing down what I want to achieve, some points more serious/work related goals, others more light hearted! I figured why not start making my goals into a quick, easy to read post for you guys to have a nosy at to! Maybe it will make me stick to them better to, yano now that they're out on the web for the world to see too.... Let's see how it goes!
Oh Hi June! Where did you come from?! It's officially the month I go on my big holibobs and the countdown is officially ON! I am more than ready for some sun, sand and cocktails! May was a rather lovely month to, so I thought I'd share with you the things that made me happy in May! Enjoy! xo
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