Page Views/ Blog Traffic is something I used to CONSTANTLY worry about. I would check my stats every single day and prey they would be on the incline. I used to frantically search for the best ways to gain more traffic and try/test different methods that often resulted in little change. Now-a-days I take a more laid back with it. I have found a little routine that works for me, using some simple steps that take no time at all. I thought I would write a simple little guide on the things I do.
1. Schedule Tweets - A HELL OF A LOT of traffic that comes to my blog is from Twitter. You can use apps such as Buffer to schedule some tweets promoting your blog posts. Be sure to use relevant hash tags, and tag any RT accounts that work for you. Also be sure to schedule tweets through the night, meaning you are reaching users from around the world that you would normally miss!
2. Share Popular Content More - If you notice that any old blog posts or older content seem to still be getting great views, be sure to repost/share them more often. People obviously like it and therefore it's bound to get viewed. 3. Make Use of Social Media - Make sure you have an account for all types of social media, IE Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, Bloglovin, and Pinterest. Then be sure to use them all effectivley! If you haven't got time to utalise all of them, be sure to pick out 2/3 and focus more of your time on those. It's no use opening all the accounts and then neglecting them completeley. Twitter is hands down the platform I recieve the most traffic from, but having other platforms allows your audience to see more sides of you, therefore getting to know you better, therefore being more likely to search you up! 4. Pinterest - Pinterest is suprisingly a GREAT way to get page-views, if one of your pins goes viral, you can get 1000's and 1000's of views from it. This happened to myDress My Desk Post and I still get hundreds of views on it that are sent from Pinterset every single day! So make sure you have a "pin it" option on your blog so people can easily pin things to their boards! If you want to learn more about how to gain followers on Pinterest, Kirsty from Life In Excess did a great post here. Whilst I'm at it, you can find my pinterest boards here. 5. Engage with other Bloggers - You can't expect to have your cake and eat it to! One of my favourite things is looking through my BlogLovin/Twitter feed and checking out the bloggers I love posts, and also discovering new bloggers! Be sure to leave them a comment and help spread the love! 6. Find What Works For You - A fairly simple, but important point. Find what works for you and your audience. The more you write and the more you post, the more you will get to know about what you enjoy writting and what your audience enjoys reading. Just be sure you mainly concentrate on what you enjoy posting about, it will become obvious quickly if you start writting about topics you don't enjoy yourself. 7. Tag Brands In Content - Be sure to tag the relevant brands in any content you have. A Retweet, Regram or mention from a large account can get you countless pageviews and at the same time gain you followers/make more people aware of your blog. 8. Think About Your Posts Titles- A catchy/ attention grabbing title is bound to get more people to CLICK THAT LINK. Think about how you word it and try not to make it to long, just being straight to the point is key! Read the title back to yourself and ask yourself if you would click the link? *Be sure that the title is still relevant to the content though, you don't want to Cat Fish anyone! Whilst on the topic, also be sure to add the right SEO to your post, so you are more likley to be found on search engines! 9. Make the Header CLEAR - Having a clear photo header is KEY - give your audience a reason to click the post and try and make the header relevant so they get a better idea of what to expect from it. I am ALWAYS more likey to click a link with a picture than not, it's so much more eye-catching. 10. Timing - Timing is key, as you post more and more you will start to recognise when is the best time to "push live" for your audience in order to get the most amount of views. I find my audience will read my posts more if they are posted early in the morning, or any time after 5pm. Some posts I have set live for mid-day time seem to have been lost in net before and had a significantly smaller amount of views on the first day. 11. Direct Them To Other Content - A Super easy way to keep people on your site for longer is to add an "Other Posts You Might Enjoy" at the end of your posts. Try and add 3/4 relevant posts that you think have a similar feel and you are bound to keep them engaged for longer! 12. Jazz Up Old Content - As I mentioned previously my Dress Your Desk post went Viral on Pinterest and therefore still gets hundreds and hundreds of views everyday. Therefore I made the decision in October this year to "jazz it up" a bit. It had been well over a year since I had written the post, my writting style had changed, along with my personal style. The Blog Post Header was AWFUL and the pictures looked dull/dark. I simply brightened some of the pictures, doubled checked the text for mistakes or things I simply didn't like and changed the header. It instantly refreshed the whole feel of the post and I am now much happier with it again!
I really hope you liked this post and found it helpful! What are your top tips on gaining blog traffic? I'm always up for learning more!
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12/12/2016 09:25:34 am
I'm awful at scheduling tweets. I don't feel confident sharing what I write on Twitter, I don't even know why.. x
12/12/2016 02:22:49 pm
Brilliant tips, I used to always religiously check my daily page views but now I find I don't check them hardly ever I just concentrate on the content I'm trying to produce for my blog and I go from there. Saying that, I'm of to check my page views!
Great post! I started my blog a week ago so all of these tips were very helpful! I think that engaging with other bloggers is the biggest tip since that's where I've gotten most of my traffic from so far! Can't wait to read more of your posts :)
12/13/2016 11:07:32 am
Some really great tips here, I shared this with my followers too! I need to utilise Pinterest more x
12/19/2016 02:36:58 pm
Some great tips here Georgie - I really need to invest more time in Pinterest!
1/18/2017 04:53:49 pm
This is so helpful actually I never thought about using pinterest for page views! Will definitely have to give it a go!! xx
2/5/2017 03:11:18 am
All of this tips are useful to me, thank you!
Such great tips! I've recently just started scheduling tweets on Buffer for throughout the night and early into the morning and it's done wonders driving traffic. I must utilise Pinterest a bit more though. Love your blog too! Hope you have/had a wonderful day. Keep smiling lovely!
4/25/2017 10:17:35 am
This is such a helpful blog post! I'm using some of these but always forget to share old content on twitter, it does really help with traffic.
Great ideas. I always tweet about my latest posts, but haven't been continuing to promote my older ones, even the ones that were popular, so I'm going to start doing that. It will be more interesting for my followers too, having more variety in the posts I'm sharing between my personal tweets. Thanks!
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