I guess you could say "It's a girl thing" but there are just some things that boys do, things that I simply cannot get my head around. Sometimes leaving me questioning whether we are actually from the same planet? Are we a complete different species? Here are 12 things men do, that us gals HATE. Let me know how many you can relate to, yano, so I know that it's not just me living with some kind of alien.
1. Wee on the seat!!!
Is it REALLY that hard to aim?! Do you need more practice? And why is it so hard to wipe it up? Can you not see it? Are you blind and bad at aiming?
2. Then Leaving the toilet seat up?
Is that so I can see the wee I have to wipe up?
3. "I'll do it at half time"
By which point you know it will just be better to do it yourself.
4. Stare at their phones whilst you are talking to them
Don't act like you can multi task - we know you're not listening!
5. "Do you need any help?"
After they have watched you clean/tidy up for the last hour and a half and they know that you are just about done so there can't possibly be anymore jobs left. But Hey, at least they asked!
6. Leaving dirty clothes on the floor
Is there a magic laundry basket somewhere on the floor of our bedroom that I just can't see?
7. Still can't accept they can't handle their drink
How many times of me having to pick you up from town at 3am, strip down your sick covered clothes and pass you the bucket is it going to take before you realise that "one last beer" is one too many.
8. "Can Do" // "If you like"
Is the reply you get to any suggestion you make, so do you want to go YES OR NO
9. Believing they are better drivers than anyone in the entire world, ever
Move over Lewis Hamilton.
10. And then try and tell you how to drive...
I'm ok, thanks
11. Complain about going shopping
But then spend 2 hours in the Zara mens changing room trying on 3 white shirts that look EXACTLY the same, before deciding they don't want any of them.
12. Ew, Whats that smell, It stinks in here
No, no, no, my £42 Diptyque candle does NOT stink - breathe it all in.
P.S To Rich, I love you really* xo'
*but, you are annoying. I'd love you to come say Hey on Bloglovin'- Other Posts You Might Enjoy -
10/27/2016 08:02:45 pm
It's so frustrating when people leave the toilet seat up!
10/27/2016 08:30:20 pm
Oh my goodness I laughed so much at this, it's all so true!! Xx
HAHAHAH omg! This made me LOL!! I am currently single so I don't have a guy to annoy me but I remember my ex did a lot of what you mentioned above! I especially could relate to #1 through #3 and #9
10/28/2016 11:54:05 am
This made me laugh so much - it's all so true! Also I'd like to add that my husband is incapable of taking off his socks and unfurling them. They go into the wash basket all scrunched up, so they don't wash properly. I've told him how rank it is trying to unfurl someone else's socks but he doesn't seem to get it. Maybe he should do the washing for a bit..... :)
10/28/2016 12:08:36 pm
HAHAHAH! you are sooo funny! but god I agree with you, especially the thing about toilet seat and leaving dirty clothes on the floor.. anywhere.
10/30/2016 09:04:20 am
Haha I agree with all of these, but number 12 definitely touched a nerve! When I'm spending that much on a candle they can learn to appreciate it lol.
11/1/2016 10:26:32 am
Haha I laughed reading this and then smiled as I don't have to put up with any of it!! lol xx
11/2/2016 06:08:20 pm
Number 6 and 8 definitely!!! Love this post 😂 Luckily my boyfriend loves candles too, he normally puts one on before me! xx
11/3/2016 11:31:58 am
OH MY GOD. These are all spot on Georgie! I agree with every single one, and you know what's worse?! We expect all of these to be left behind in their teenage years, twenties etc. Sad reality is they will ALWAYS do these things lol! x
11/3/2016 12:06:41 pm
Oh my god Dan does all these things and worse! Why did I marry him? Jokes, he's ok (sometimes) xx
11/24/2016 04:02:07 pm
Oh my god ive never related to a blog post so much in all my life!!!! x
11/17/2017 03:11:16 am
Isn't this the truth lol
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