Why hello there, thanks for stopping by! If you're a blogger then I'm sure you will know how much every little bit of support can help, gives you a confidence boost and of course, helps your blog to grow. If you aren't a blogger, then please know that the above couldn't be more true and that every little like/share means a lot to us bloggesr! I thought I would put together 5 easy ways you can support the blogs you love, whether you're a blogger or not, It really couldn't be easier!
1. Double Tap Those Pics'
Instagram is a bit of a bugger (that was putting it rather pleasantly) and the changes to the algorithm have made it even harder for "micro-bloggers" like me to get noticed. We sit somewhere in the middle of the feed, and often we get lost. To help with this simply, if you like someones content be sure to hit the lil' heart every time you see one of their posts. And if you haven't noticed many of their posts on your feed recently, give them a little search because 9/10 they will have been posting and you won't have been seeing it.</3
2. Follow Them On Social Channels
If you follow someones blog, and love the content - it's likely you will also enjoy their other content IE Social Media. Be sure to track them down on Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Facebook Pages, Pinterest Etc!
3. Spread The Word
Write a blog post about your favourite bloggers, favourite Instagram accounts or favourite snap chatters. Tweet about them, tell a friend about them! Doing this not only shares their blog with a wider audience, it also lets them know that you are enjoying their content, which is something that can make someones day/week! If you are a member of Bloglovin' be sure to save any blog posts you enjoy, it will then share the posts with your followers giving it more chance of being seen!
4. Affiliate Links
There seems to be a lot of controversy around affiliate links, controversy which I have never really understood. When there is someone you follow online, free of charge - of course, reading and seeing content from them that you LOVE, why would you not want to help them out, by doing something that 1. costs you NOTHING and 2. takes NO time at all.
In case you don't know what an affiliate link is, it's a link a blogger can add to their blog/social media, to a product/item they are talking about. If you then click the link and buy something on that store the blogger will receive a TINY bit of commission from it. It costs you NO MORE, and therefore I simply cannot understand why you wouldn't? Hey, sometimes for example if I want to buy something off ASOS, I will find one of my fave bloggers pages and go through their link just because! Every penny counts. 5. Comment, Comment, Comment!
Whether it be commenting on Instagram or commenting on a blog post it a simple and quick process which can really up someones motivation. How is a blogger going to know you are liking their content if you don't reach out and tell them! Not only that commenting will spread the word of your blog, and so it's a complete win, win. I always check out the blogs of the people who comment my feeds and blog! Mainly because I'm nosy, but it's a great way to discover new people!
What are your favourite ways to support the blogs you love?
Georgie xo - Other Posts You Might Enjoy -
2/21/2017 01:20:32 pm
This is such a good list of showing how to help bloggers you ove. Posts like this are always so helpful. x
Love this post so much, sweetie!! You're so right, there are maaaany ways how we can support each other. And that's why I am here from Insta ;) A like on a pic, a sweet comment & an RT on Twitter goes a long way. It's so easy to be nice to others and lift them up <3 Wish most bloggers would do that.
Supporting each other is such a great thing and really does go such a long way, for me it really boosts my morale! Plus I love giving out love to other blogs because it's great to see other peoples hard work :) I totally agree with you about affiliate links I have no idea why anyone would object to them! This was such a good read! :) xx
2/24/2017 09:48:57 am
Georgie you are SO good at doing all these things and I totally agree with you. I try my best but I'm just so god damn busy at the mo but when I get some more time I want to try and it do it a lot more! x
3/10/2017 07:32:40 am
I personally loved reading this post! I try and comment and share the posts I love to my Twitter as much as I can as I love to share my favourite bloggers, posts I love and whatever inspires me! And this is one of those posts! Thanks for sharing this lovely!
I thought there was something I was missing in the controversy about affiliate links because I just don't understand it. If it's at no cost to myself, I don't see why it's a problem if I wanted to buy the product anyway! I always check out the blogs and social media of people that comment on my blog too. I've discovered some blogs I really enjoy that way!
Nice post! :) It is lovely when fellow bloggers interact and help each other out. :) Good way to support I think is to RT their tweets once in a while too. :) But interaction is golden of any kind - IG, blog, twitter other SM etc.
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